Episode 2 – Dubai Recap, New Office, PCD Event and MORE!

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Empire Unwrapped Episode 2: Our Visit to Dubai and Latest Deals 

Welcome back to Empire Unwrapped, your ultimate source for the latest industry updates and company insights from Empire Global Finance. In this episode, we’ll take you through our recent business ventures and exciting deal completions. 

Business Trip to Dubai 

Our dedicated team of Debt Specialists recently visited our new office in the United Arab Emirates, located in Downtown Dubai. Amidst the breathtaking scenery and warm hospitality, we forged valuable connections that promise tremendous opportunities for Empire Global Finance in the years ahead. 

Exclusive Events 

Our trip kicked off with an exclusive breakfast seminar at the Ritz-Carlton hotel, in collaboration with Dominic Wertheimer and Lornham. This event provided an invaluable networking platform, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and business ventures. The highlights from our event can be found on our YouTube channel. 

Next, we had the pleasure of conducting an exclusive interview with the Founder of PCD Group, David Bell ahead of his prestigious PCD event. Mr. Bell shared insights into the origins of PCD, its impact on businesses worldwide, and the event’s greatest successes. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Bell for his generosity and encourage everyone to watch the interview for valuable insights. Once again, exclusively available on the Empire YouTube channel! 

PCD Event Success 

Our participation in the PCD event was a resounding success, thanks to the efforts of our debt specialists and the collaborative spirit of the event. We look forward to sharing updates on the promising business opportunities that have emerged from this event. 

Office Visit and Business Meetings 

In between events, our team attended business meetings while capturing the beauty of Dubai. A highlight of our trip was the visit to our brand-new office located in the heart of the city at the Boulevard Plaza. This expansion signifies our commitment to global growth and the cultivation of meaningful relationships in the Middle East. 

Notable Deals 

Before we wrap up, let’s highlight some of the notable deals we’ve been working on recently: 

Property Portfolio Restructuring: A £60 million property portfolio with £30 million in debt, requiring a full restructure under a single facility for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 

Warehouse Facility Structure: Structuring a £20 million warehouse facility/hunting license to provide a short-term credit line for property acquisition below market value. 

Debt Restructuring: Assisting a client struggling with debt consolidation, including a £160,000 commercial loan and £30,000 credit card debt, by restructuring existing debt to boost income and ensure business sustainability. 

Property Portfolio Refinance: A £1.1 million quasi property portfolio refinance, consisting entirely of residential assets, with updates to follow in future episodes. 

Wrapping Up 

That concludes our exploration of Dubai and updates from our latest deals. Stay tuned for more exciting developments and insights from Empire Global Finance. Thank you for joining us on this episode of Empire Unwrapped.