Private Clients

Properties Held in Complex Structures

Expert Guidance for Properties Held in Complex Structures

Empire Global Finance is a trusted ally for clients navigating the complexities of purchasing or refinancing properties held in complex trusts. With a team of expert Debt Specialists and a vast panel of lenders both within the UK and abroad, we offer unparalleled expertise and support to guide clients through the intricate process of financing properties held in complex structures.

Navigating Complex Structures

Properties held in complex trusts present unique challenges and considerations that require specialised expertise to navigate effectively. From intricate legal structures to regulatory complaince issues, these transactions demand a thorough understanding of complex financial arrangements and close collaboration with experienced professionals.

Empire Global Finance specialises in providing comprehensive support and guidance to clients dealing with properties held in complex structures. Our team of expert Debt Specialists works closely with clients and lenders to explore every avenue and obtain securitisation packages tailored to their specific lending requirements, whether in a UK trust, overseas trust, or other complex structures.

Key Services and Expertise

Thorough Due Diligence: Our team conducts thorough due diligence to assess the complexities of properties held in complex structures, identifying potential challenges and risks early in the process. By leveraging our expertise and experience, we help clients mitigate risks and ensure smooth transactions.

Vast Network of Lenders: Empire Global Finance maintains a vast network of lenders within the UK and abroad who specialise in lending to complex structures. We leverage these relationships to provide clients with access to competitive financing options and explore every avenue to secure the most favourable terms.

Tailored Securitisation Packages: Working closely with clients and lenders, we tailor securitisation packages to best suit our clients’ lending requirements and the complexities of their property structures. Whether it’s a UK trust, overseas trust, or other complex arrangement, we ensure that our clients’ financing needs are met with precision and expertise.

Market Insights

The market for properties held in complex structures is characterised by its intricacy and diversity, with a wide range of legal frameworks and regulatory requirements across jurisdictions. As industry leaders, Empire Global Finance remains at the forefront of market trends and insights, providing clients with strategic guidance and actionable insights to navigate the complexities of complex property transactions successfully.


Whether you’re purchasing, refinancing or managing properties in complex trusts, Empire Global Finance offers expert guidance and support for clients dealing with properties held in complex structures.

With our comprehensive services, vast network of lenders, and deep expertise in complex property transactions, we empower clients to navigate the intricacies of these transactions with confidence and success. Trust Empire Global Finance to be your ally in achieving your goals for properties held in complex structures and unlock the full potential of your investments with precision and expertise.